Monday, June 17, 2013

Cards & Curry

A few days back when my brother Jacob called to say that he was planning a ‘Cards & Curry’ session at our Tharavad, Thekkanattu Parayil, Olavipe I was rather stuck. I didn’t know what it meant. Any way, Jacob explained and I told him to go ahead.

Well, the event is just a session of games, lunch tea, refreshments and fellowship for a compatible group. In this case, just our cousins and their children. About sixty turned up. 

 Arrangements were made for gin & rummy, table tennis, caroms, one ring basketball, chess, Bridge, and Monopoly. Nobody took up the last three. Why rack the brain instead of relaxing.Gin Rummy of course was the most popular.  The children had their own amusements.

Some sat away quietly, catching up with the news, but a little one preferred the hammock. A few quietly listened to music. Some went walking around the estate. Because of the inclement weather, backwater events were not planned.

The fellowship was of course nice. The refreshments were popular. But an unplanned but very interesting development was impromptu discussions on matters ranging from agriculture to the rupee slide. They were useful.

Now, the food. There was something unique about it, apart from the quality. The whole range was prepared by the gentlemen guests. The kitchen staff only had to watch and perhaps learn a few new things. The ladies in the family group were totally free to join whatever activities that they liked
 other than cooking
The chef was Kunjavirachan, a medical practitioner with many years of experience. His specialty for the day was “Suriyani Biriyani”, a name which many may not have heard. I don’t know what additional ingredients went into it compared to the ordinary biriyani. It was delicious.

There was barbeque and some of the regular snacks like tiny river fish fried, sliced vegetables, chips and so on. What I liked best was something I never had before – chena (elephant foot yam) balls. Absolutely great with drinks.

 We wound up at about 6 in the evening after tea with sandwiches and the usual           accompaniments.. It was a most enjoyable day – for Rs.250/ per head, all inclusive.

Be Clannish, have Family Meets

(All photos by Thomas Tharakan.)






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