Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Agni V and a riddle

In July 2009, shortly after Dr. Tessy Thomas was appointed as Director of Agni V Project, I had written about it under the title Tessy Thomas: A star of space science. That had a fairly good readership. With the recent successful trial of Agni V missile, the interest in this piece has revived. I am getting quite a few visitors.

Two days back, on April 22, I got two comments – one through the blog and the other by email. One is from a visitor who has given his name in his comment which I have included in my post. The other is from an internationally known Europe based economist and author. Both are quoted below.

The first is: “I think enough is enough. We are all indians. Do not discriminate any community or the person as our ancestors from all community contributed in building united India and fought for our Independence. A success in any field of India is our success and in the field of Science & Technology or any other field as the case may be, collective contribution is led to the ultimate results and success. But the only difference is here that those who are led from the front is got more applauds than the people worked behind the screen. But their contributions also very well appreciated by the entire scientific community of india. This very fact well known to the scientific community of india but not necessary to the general public.”

The second one reads: “I have been closely following the news about Agni V and about the (deliberately?) low-profile scientists associated with it, particularly Dr. Tessy Thomas. The world laughed about India messing up the organization of the Commonwealth games, but have shown awe and admiration for the research, engineering, organization, and the capability shown in the Agni-launch. Knowledgeable people abroad of course know that there are 'two Indias'. And it should be also said that most countries, especially the Western Democracies have shown a lot of goodwill towards India's defence developments. Probably no other country could have got away without questions and criticism if a missile launch of this kind was carried out.

Thanks very much for the piece on Dr. Tessy Thomas.”

Can you guess which visitor wrote what comment? And what do you think of the points that these two have brought up?


  1. The latter is clearly from the economist. It is indeed, a great matter of honor for India that a lady is heading the Agni Missile Project. It reflects the spirit and fortitude of the Second of the two nations within India- or better, 'the India within'.

    Dear Mr Tharakan,as you have clearly not forgotten to mention, it one more feather on India's cap,something that others may well emulate-that we have had a lady PM,president and many in respectable professions even much earlier than some western democracies.Something that even could be Travancore region could be proud of (Anna Chandy et al.).

    The first comment seems to come from some disillusioned man who might himself be 'leading from the back'.In any other case, such a comment would be unwarranted.

  2. The latter is clearly from the economist. It is indeed, a great matter of honor for India that a lady is heading the Agni Missile Project. It reflects the spirit and fortitude of the Second of the two nations within India- or better, 'the India within'.

    Dear Mr Tharakan,as you have clearly not forgotten to mention, it one more feather on India's cap,something that others may well emulate-that we have had a lady PM,president and many in respectable professions even much earlier than some western democracies.Something that even could be Travancore region could be proud of (Anna Chandy et al.).

    The first comment seems to come from some disillusioned man who might himself be 'leading from the back'.In any other case, such a comment would be unwarranted.

  3. The latter is clearly from the economist. It is indeed, a great matter of honor for India that a lady is heading the Agni Missile Project. It reflects the spirit and fortitude of the Second of the two nations within India- or better, 'the India within'.

    Dear Mr Tharakan,as you have clearly not forgotten to mention, it one more feather on India's cap,something that others may well emulate-that we have had a lady PM,president and many in respectable professions even much earlier than some western democracies.Something that even could be Travancore region could be proud of (Anna Chandy et al.).

    The first comment seems to come from some disillusioned man who might himself be 'leading from the back'.In any other case, such a comment would be unwarranted.

  4. The latter is clearly from the economist. It is indeed, a great matter of honor for India that a lady is heading the Agni Missile Project. It reflects the spirit and fortitude of the Second of the two nations within India- or better, 'the India within'.

    Dear Mr Tharakan,as you have clearly not forgotten to mention, it one more feather on India's cap,something that others may well emulate-that we have had a lady PM,president and many in respectable professions even much earlier than some western democracies.Something that even could be Travancore region could be proud of (Anna Chandy et al.).

    The first comment seems to come from some disillusioned man who might himself be 'leading from the back'.In any other case, such a comment would be unwarranted.

  5. The first comment is from, as you had mentioned the visitor had given his name in his comment is, Nandakumar. The second as you say is an economist based in Europe, I guess is Dr. P.K.M. Tharakan!

    Regarding their comments I am infinitively small to enlarge on them, but what I want to bring forth is, isn’t the collective euphoria of the nation led by our leaders a little overboard? One sparrow doesn’t make a summer, just because a test fire was successful does not guarantee that every ICBM India manufactures is going to find its target. On its way to the enemy target a small malfunction can bring the missile down on one of our own cities.

  6. "On its way to the enemy target a small malfunction can bring the missile down on one of our own cities."

    I believe ICBM's war heads won't get armed at all unless certain parameters are met - prior to the re-entry. Till then the war heads are not armed at all.

    By this launch, on the Geo-political Chess board, we have moved one pawn up.. for our defense - to deter the potential adversary from any possible adventure.

    In a world where the likes of North Korea who openly defies the powers that be - we are assured of self respect and dignity by means of these power/capability projection(s).

    Only a stronger India can be a prosperous India..and only a prosperous India can provide our and our future generations with the well deserved dignity and freedom, and the chance for poverty eradication and more.. or say get the aam-admi out of their so called perceived plight.

  7. Kariyachan, thank you for the comment.
