Saturday, July 4, 2009

Growing up with granddaughter

Yesterday when I started watching the Wimbledon semi-finals between Murray and Roddick, my second son’s daughter Nonee (Annie) was playing chess with her aunt. Soon their game was over and the little granddaughter asked me whether I wanted to play. I was more interested in watching tennis.

After a while Nonee came with a small torch, held it close to my mouth without switching on and started asking questions. I knew she was simulating an interview, and played along.

It went on like something like this:

Nonee(N): Do you play chess?

Me (M): Used to.

N: How good were you?

M: Okay at college level.

N: Why don’t you play now?

M: Difficult to concentrate.


N: You seem to like tennis better.

M: I like tennis also.

N: Have you played tennis?

M: Yes.

N: Where?

M: Home, college, club.

(The next question I had anticipated did not come.)

N: Who do you think will win today? Murray?

M: Roddick is playing better.

N: But who do you want to win?

M: The better player.

N: That’s a smart answer.

M: I’m a smart chap.

N: You are. Thank you.

M: Thank you.

N (moments later): Did you know that you were interviewed live?

M: That’s not fair. You should have warned me.

N: Then it wouldn’t have been so natural.

M: I could have put on some makeup.

N: That’s okay. You looked fine.

M: Thank you.

N: You’re welcome.

The granddaughter took my mobile phone and pretended dialing. Then she gave me a big grin and said: Know what? Millions of people all over the world watched you.

M: Really?

N: Yes, all the people in my imaginary world.

That was it. A child’s imagination! Absolutely fascinating. When my kids were small I didn’t have so much time to spend with them. Now it is different. And I am learning many things from the grandchildren. Their range of knowledge is so much higher than mine at their age.

Recently, while preparing the post Photos: More of pastoral Olavipe

I couldn’t get the right word for frog’s eggs. Usually in such situations I ask my wife. (That is easier than looking up In this instance she couldn’t recall either.

Nonee who was overhearing cut in: Why don’t you ask me? I did that and pat came the answer: Spawn.

A year back this granddaughter showed me how to unlock parental lock on TV. No one had thought of setting a code, so it is ‘0000’. Now we must change that.

Later this month Nonee would be 10.

Also see:

My Valentine’s Day


  1. that reminded me, the match today was a disappointment - Andy roddick lost..watched it for all 4 plus hours, one mistake at the end and he was gone..

  2. beautiful post! Your lil granddaughter is so smart! :) a child's imaginaition...nothing to beat it! And wishin her a happy birthday in advance, and loads more happy times together for you people! :) Make memories! They'll last forever.

  3. I have a question not related to the post -- I have been searching for pictures that christians in kerala wears ' chateyum and Mundum ' for women but am unable to find any. I run a blog called Indian Yarn on wordpress and wanted to photo document them, with all credits to you and your blog. Would you share any pictures that you have? My email is

  4. My advance B'day wishes to the cute kid...

    With Nonee around, you will never seem to have a boring moment in your retired life...

    Loved her pranks

  5. same age as my Nandita :-) and seems to be the same temperament as well

  6. Yes, grandchildren are everything. Thanks for sharing this episode!

  7. Very interesting.Kids do say the darnest things don't they? And they're much smarter than we give them credit for.

  8. Maddy, Roddick did everything right but still lost. I too watched the whole match. It was so sad.

    And then I made the mistake of watching Leander and Cara play the Mixed Doubles finals. I can't understand how they managed to throw away the match after leading 5-2 in the 1st set.

  9. Lakshmi, thank you. I told Nonee about the birthday greetings from you and she was thrilled.

  10. Indian Yarn, I am searching my albums, but don't think there is any photo of Syrian Christian ladies in 'mundu - chatta'. Next time in Kerala I must take some pictures.

    I remember seeing an old drawing of a Syrian Christian couple, I think in Prof. Menacherry's book. A search 'menacherry syrian christians' might be worthwhile.

  11. That reminds me of my daughter's antics! She is upto these sort of things all the time :) You have a lovely granddaughter :)

  12. Loved the story about your granddaughter!!! My niece is 7 and incredibly smart and mature for her age also! Children today are so amazing. :)


  13. What a charming post!
    And wish little Nonee a very happy birthday!

  14. wow that is wonderful to read an observe a child growing up. nonee is wonderful :)
