Thursday, November 6, 2008

Kerala architecture: Mansion of the Marquises

Padippura malika (gatehouse) front view.

Gatehouse side view.

Main house front view.

Main house side view.
Photos taken by me on October 18, 2008. Copyright reserved.
Click to enlarge.

Into this ettukettu were born the two Marquises, both brothers, of the Parayil Family - Avira Varkey Tharakan (1836-1905) K.C.S.S, K.C.S.G. and Hormis Tharakan (1842-1904) K.C.S.S., K.C.S.G.

It is Puthenveettil Parayil, the first of the Parayil Family houses at Ezhupunna. Even though nearly two centuries have passed since it was built, the house is still known as Puthenveettil (New House).

Another ettukettu was built for the younger brother, Hormis. Between the two mansions is the St. Raphael’s Church (1859).

This building is almost identical to the Velliara Parayil house shown in

A Kerala Tharavad.

Also see:

Kerala Architecture: Another Parayil heritage home


  1. AT Sir;
    Is this the same mansion which was constructed by the famous Mathoo Tharakan, the finance minister during Dharma Raja?

    I have a malayalam copy of his Biography which was given to me by my grandfather.

  2. I think Kariyachen is refering to 'Thachil Mathu Tharakan' of Kuthiyathodu near North Parur (Alwaye, Ernakulam District)

  3. It is not a surprise that Tharakans (brokers) were having such big houses in those days. We first hear of Tharakan at the time of Velu Thampi's revolt. He was an unpopular money lender and tax collector and when Thampi cut off his ears there was great rejoicing among the people. Recently Syrian Christians have started to show this unpopular money dealer in a new light. An imaginary story that Tharakan belonged to Thachil Brahmin family is invented, although it is a fact of history that no such Brahmin family ever existed in Kerala. It was a manipulated biography written by one Joseph after many years since the death of Tharakan. As it is not a contemporary account, any lies can be inserted in the book. Mathoo Tharakan, like all Christians of Kerala, belonged to a lower caste and was converted by Persian missionaries. Kerala History tells us that there were no Nambuthiri or Nayar to be converted. If they were converted, they would lose their caste. During the Portuguese rule, Syrian converts were given high offices and were made planters, army and police officers. Even the Kochi Raja was controlled by the Portuguese. It was the elevated status given to lower caste converts by the Portuguse that made them claim Nambudhiri and Nair status, although all were from lower castes, especially Ezhavas and Mukkkuvas.
    Mathoo Tharakan was extremely wealthy because he was a broker (Tharakan). In those days, brokers were used by Europeans to negotiate with the Rajas of Kochi, Travancore, Zamorin of Calicut the price of pepper and other spices. If the broker could bring down the price by mediating with the Rajas, a huge commission would be given. That is how Mathoo Tharakan became wealthy.
    Although his ears were chopped off, Velu Thampi wanted to confiscate all his property when he rose against the British. Tharakan fell at the feet of Macaualay, the Resident, and he warned Thampi not to take his property. But Macaulay himself was helpless to help Tharakan during Thampi's rebellion. Probably, Tharakan with his family would be hiding in impenetrable jungles during the rebellion. Tharakan had no part to play in the Coonen Cross, for it happened in 1653.It was all the invention of Joseph who wrote his biography after several years. Tharakan was a strong Catholic and he would not supported the rebel Jacobites who were instigated by Archdeacon George to revolt so that he could enjoy church properties and revnue without being controlled by a central authority.

  4. Mr.Rajiv Rajan is much confused. It is evident from his statement of denying any link of Mathoo tharakan to Coonan Cross. No where in the histoy it is mentioned or claimed that Thachil Mathoo tharakan was lived during the time (1653) of Coonan Cross. Also he should know that it is Arch deacon Thoma (not George) who lead the Coonan Cross oath. It was better had he learned such basics of Kerala history and made certain statements that appears to be simply blunders.
