Sunday, October 12, 2008

Photos: Mysore Palace Gates

Recent photos by Binita Kuruvilla.
Copyright reserved.
Click on images to enlarge.
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  1. At the top of this blog it says
    "We are a bunch that has nothing in common, not even a Mysore connection"
    which is a shame.
    Abraham as you are as much at home in Bangalore/Mysore as you are elsewhere.

    Abraham, thanks for sharing these beautiful photographs of the Palace, which even today is as grand as it looked to me in 1950sand 60s. The credit for this beautiful edifice should go HH Krishnaraja Wodeyar and his galaxy of Dewans for beautifying the buildings, mostly in early 20th Century.

    During those Dasara days,when the Maharaja ascended the throne every evening at the palace, as a junior engineer at 22, it was one my duties at the hydroelectric power station in Shimsha for a couple of years, to see that the generators smoothly took the sudden load coming from palace lighting - when the Maharaja is on the throne with his salute that was when the lights were up and the electric surge can be very high. We had to keep the generators properly synchronised to share the load, which was not easy in those days as there was very little electronics
    support, and the relays were primitive.
    The electrical system at the generator end and at the palace load end worked smoothly for decades until in late 1960s when the then Maharaja, gave up his public role at Dasara completely.

  2. Raji, I am happy that you liked the photos. I like the picture in the middle best. It has fluidity and great depth.

  3. Thank you Mysorean for accepting me as a honorary Mysorean.

    My family's connection with Mysore started many decades back. Sir M. Visveswaraiah was a friend of one of my ancestors, Avira Tharakan, the only son of Grand Knight Avira Varkey Tharakan (1836-1905) and himself a Knight and friend of HH The Maharaja of Travancore.

    When he was the Dewan of Mysore, Sir Visveswaraiah honored our family with a visit to the ancestral house.

    Subsequently, HH The Maharaja of Mysore is said to have granted a huge area in Mysore State to Avira Tharakan. But Tharakan did not follow it up and neither did his descendants.

    When my brother Hormis was Advisor to the Governor of Karnataka, I should have asked him to find out the details of the grant, for historic interest.

    I can visualize you as a smart young engineer all tensed up and praying that every Dasara passes without a hitch.

    Do you have a blog. It would be wonderful to read your experiences which apparently would be rich and varied.

    Incidentally, my email id is
