Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Bangalore that was, 60 years ago!

These photographs of Bangalore were taken in 1946. Can you identify the buildings /locations? Try. Ask your friends as well.

Add these questions to the quiz:
60 years back,
What was the name of MG Road? South Parade.
Bangalore was part of which State? Mysore State.
Bangalore had how many cars? Not less than 656 cars.
A couple of clues are in the pictures.

I'll come back with the answers after three days.

Town Hall area

MG Road. Higginbothams on the left

Brigade Road.

Mayo Hall

This is where the IT hub is - Hosur Road!

Oriental Building (LIC)
View from MG Road towards St. Marks Road.

The car number is BAN 656.

(Photos provided by Narayan Thampi, Cochin.)

Today, May 5, 2008, I received the following email

perhaps you did not know but you have on
your blog copies of my pictures taken by me in 1946
they are
brigade road
mayo hall
oriental building
car ban 656
surely the gentlemanly thing to do is to give me credit
for them as Ronnie has done on his Bangalore web site.
He is the only one I gave an OK to although I have no
problem with you posting them if suitable credit is given
All the best to you . Its great to see how Bangalore
has prospered
Antony Loach
Vancouver BC"

My failure to give proper credit is highly regretted.
Abraham Tharakan.

Also see:

Bangalore Memories: Cricket, hockey and the traged...

Gunboat Jack, a Bangalore hero of the past

Hockey days in Bangalore


  1. The first one is the

    Townhall on J C ROad.

    Yikes ! the blogger formatting is very bad as I can not see the photos while I post a comment. This entails openign another tabbed window for the original post.
    Done that now.

    I think one of the shots is of Brigade Road
    Another one of the building near the erstwhile Unity Builidings.

    Nice work here...

  2. Thank you, ezee123. Not bad. Shall post the details late this evening.
    Abraham Tharakan.

  3. Hi Mr.Tharakan, Thats a great collection of pictures you have there ! I am planning to do a "now and then" kind of project for my blog . I basically want to collect old pictures and take the same picture today and put them up side by side for everyone to see how we have changed over the years. It would be great if I can include the pictures on your blog too and put them next to the same picture in 2007. I have absolutely no commercial interest in this, so I hope you do not mind me borrowing your pictures to add to my bangalore collection.

  4. cool:)u have any collection of pictures of old trivandrum?

  5. Gautam, Glad tou liked the photos. The delay was because I was traveling & then I had to get clearance from Mr. Narayan Thampi. You can go ahead with your stated project, but please acknowledge Mr. Thampi & and furnish me a link from your blog.
    All the best.
    Abraham Tharakan.

  6. Thank you Meera. Shall try to get some old photos of Trivandrum & publish them.
    Abraham Tharakan.

  7. Dear Sir,

    I am a scholar based in Germany doing a research on the Indian Coffee House. In Bangalore as you know it was on MG Road, next to the office of the Deccan Herald and in Trivandrum, also on MG Road, facing the Secretariat. Do you happen to have images of the old Coffee House building in either of these places?

    Thank you,

    Bhaswati Bhattacharya

  8. I enjoyed your pieces on the coffee houses in Cochin, Bangalore and Trivandrum and I was wondering if you have visuals of any of these coffee houses
    Thank you
